Vilkår og betingelser

Vilkår og betingelser

• Website – Internet website that functions under the URL of
• App – a programme that functions within the page of, which supports and aids the management of accommodation reservation
• Administrator – the owner of the Service: dpTechnologies s.c. NIP: 671-184-4876; Osiedlowa 3, 78-111 Ustronie Morskie Poland
• User – subject that registers on the Website
• Subscription – a payment for the access to the App for agreed period of time, the amount of which complies with the established price list, and changes to which are applied with no less than 30-day long notice.
• Administrator’s e-mail address:

Terms of operation of the Website

The undermentioned terms of agreement regulate the use of the Website and the services offered by the Administrator.
1. Administrator makes the App available for the User.

2. The use of the App is, in principle, chargeable, whereby the User, from the moment of registration, is allowed a 30-day long free of charge trial with full accessibility and functionality of the App. After the 30-day period, the functionality of the App is limited unless the subscription is paid.
3. In case when the User is not interested in using the App after the Subscription ends, the data entered by the User will remain accessible, excluding the functionality of the App.
4. The Administrator reserves the right to implement additional functionalities or updates within the Website and the App.
5. The Administrator reserves the right to implement commercial information within the Website and the App.
6. The Administrator reserves the right to further specify the terms of agreement.
7. To properly use the Website, the device requires access to the Internet and a web browser.

The Administrator’s liability exclusion
1. The User enters data within the App on their own responsibility. Thereby, the User confirms that they are eligible to perform such action.
2. With the moment of entering the data within the App, the User becomes the administrator of the data and is held responsible for any processing. This is also the case, when by the User’s use of the App, there is generated an automatic e-mail message from the system of the Administrator to the third party’s e-mail.
3. The Administrator is not held responsible for the data entered by the User within the App. The Administrator only makes the App accessible and is not the administrator of the personal data entered by the User, which also refers to case in section 2.
4. With the moment of registration, the User is obliged to use the Website and the App in a manner consistent with the present terms of agreement, current laws in force, commonly accepted rules of practice and good customs.
5. The Administrator is not held responsible for the loss or modification of the data entered by the User within the App due to:
1) reasons attributable to the User
2) force majeure
3) non-fulfilment or incorrect fulfilment of the agreement between the Administrator and the owner of the host.

Rules of registration on the Website
The registration on the Website is under a condition of proper completion of the form of registration, in particular necessary personal data about the User.
1. By registering, the User declares that:
1) the data entered within the Website and the App is true and in conformity with the actual circumstances and current law,
2) is entitled to post information within the Website and the App,
3) gives consent for processing their personal data for the purposes of access to the Website and the App complying with the Personal Data Protection Act and Act on Rendering Electronic Services,
4) agrees to receive commercial and marketing messages to their e-mail address, phone number, given during the registration process or later, from the Administrator and his partners.
2. The Administrator gives access to registering accounts on the Website and using the App in a payable form (except for the free of charge 30-day trial).
1) The account, in a free of charge form, is activated for 30 days and serves the purpose of testing of the App; the account can be activated for the free of charge 30-day period only once; after the trial period the access to functionalities of the App expires; the Administrator reserves the right to refuse account activation for convenience..
2) The User can activate the account in the payable form at any given time, through paying the Subscription in cash, bank transfer, or by gateway processing.

3. The User has the right to:
1) access to their personal data, correct it, request to cease processing the data and object against processing it,
2) a free of charge change of the data with the aid of the administration panel.
4. The service agreement is concluded at the moment of paying the Subscription and on the terms hereby contained.
5. In the case of Subscription, the User will be allowed to use the App for the certain period of time, that is the period which the Subscription has been paid for. The expiring of the functionality of the App is automatic and is upon the end of the Subscription.
6. The User, who is a natural person that is not running any sole proprietorship, has the right to withdraw from the contract within 14 days from the moment of registration on the Website, with the reservation that the costs incurred by the Administrator for the activation of the Subscription, that is bank commission or costs of electronic payments, are not subject to return.
7. The Administrator reserves the right to refuse to conclude an agreement and to allow access to the App, and withdraw the already binding agreement in case of non-compliance of the User with the terms of the present agreement.

Consumer complaint:
1. The complaint submitted by the User in case of improper functioning of the App, is to be a scan of a written document and shall consist of:
1) easily identifiable User’s personal data,
2) the signature of the User,
3) the nature of the issue that the complaint concerns,
4) circumstances that justify the complaint.
2. The complaint shall be sent to the e-mail address of the Administrator, as shown in the terms of agreement.
3. The Administrator will concider the complaint within 14 days from the delivery, followed by the Administrator’s response regarding the issue, possible solutions and argumentation.